Assignments Uncategorized

Artists born in the UK from 1900-1929

I took the 1900-1929 artist data from Tate, and used ArcGIS to display a pattern among UK-born artists:


PhotoGrammetry and SketchUp Midterm

One of these is more powerful than the other. Too bad I can only use SketchUp…. For this Midterm I created a 3D rendition of Northfield Depot. This is a very good way to preserve history and I hope that more people would do it. Read here


Midterm Exam

This is a map of the place of death for artists on the Tate Galley list provided.


Mapping the Arb

Hacking the Humanities Final Project Members of the group: Emmy, Shannon, Kevin Topic and Objectives: We are planning to create a project that details the development of the Arb from its creation to its current state. This project would consist of a timeline detailing both major events having to do with the Arb and maps […]


Mapping the Squirrels of NYC

It is amazing how a CSV sheet can be turnt into an informative map through the ArcGIS software. At first, I felt overwhelmed and intimidated because I don’t know much about mapping, but as I played around with the different functions available, I realized how powerful and useful this application will be for data visualization. […]


Seniors and Squirrels

For my web mapping project I decided to cater to a niche audience, the elderly squirrel enthusiasts. ArcGIS had an interesting data set that rated all of the streets in New York based on walking safety for senior citizens. I soon saw potential for a tool that catered to a small but strong audience. If […]


W4: My Squirrel Map

I can’t find a way to visually embed my map app in WordPress, so here’s the link to it: My web app displays the geographical distribution of squirrels in New York’s central park. This is not accurate because some squirrels might be captured multiple times during the data collection process and their population may […]


Mapping Squirrels

I found the census data of squirrels in New York’s Central Park to rather interesting. After plotting the data on ArcGIS, I tried to see if I could find densities within the park, groups or locations that harbored specific squirrels or specific squirrel characteristics. I decided to stick with squirrel fur colors, as I found […]


Squirrels and Food Vendors

Using ArcGIS was a really interesting process. I have not used GIS or other mapping tools before, and it was interesting to explore all the data already available through the Living Atlas Layers. My map consists of the squirrel data (numbers of squirrels by fur color) and food vendor data (number of food vendors by […]


Squirrels and Significant Ecosystems

I found that importing the squirrel data and formatting it into ARCgis was a surprisingly easy process, and chose to keep displaying the data on squirrel color that was used as an example in class. Searching the collections of map overlays contained in the ARCgis system to find something that could give significant information in […]


nervous twitch?

For my map, I decided to disregard squirrel fur color, although the icons were quite endearing, and instead on tail twitching. The blue dots represent locations at which squirrels were sighted twitching their tails, while the faint grey X’s (almost imperceptible) are locations where squirrels did not twitch their tails. My greatest concern was finding […]


Squirrel Census: What Do You Do With It?

Using a census of the squirrels in New York City’s Central Park was certainly an interesting exercise. I chose to supplement this census with some information about the geographical features of the area; more specifically the tree coverage. I noticed that there were groupings of the locations of squirrels in the data that was generally […]


Squirrels and Ground Cover in Central Park

My map shows both squirrel coverage in Central Park and types of land cover. I feel like it is somewhat related, since it seems reasonable that there would be more squirrels in a park, but since we don’t have squirrel data for outside of the park…. I can’t really say. Overall, I thought the program […]


Soil Drainage and Squirrels

I created a map using ARCgis that displayed two layers of data in central park in hope that it would show a correlation. I presented the location of squirrel sightings in central park in relation to levels of soil drainage. Interestingly it would seem that there was a correlation, areas that do not drain as […]


Terrain Slope and Squirrels

I created an interactive map displaying the data from a squirrel counting initiative in Central Park. I combined this information with the base map of the streets and general urban layout of NYC as well as a map showing the slope of the terrain. This second layer reveals information about where the squirrels are most […]


Squirrels in NYC

For the ArcGIS activity, I wanted to see if there was any difference between the color of the squirrel and where they were located in Central Park. For example, were the black squirrels found to be largely in the shade or in darker places? Was there really any difference? I chose to do a layer […]



Working with ArcGIS took me back to my final project for archaeological methods class, in which my group used ArcGIS to create a map of the Waterford Mill archaeological site in the arboretum. My map depicts squirrel distribution in Central Park along with tree cover data throughout the world. My project demonstrates that there is […]


Eating Out and Squirrel Color

It is mind-boggling how efficiently the program can visualize data in such a format. They have really developed their interface and menu options well to be able to customize maps, data visualizations, and comparisons effectively without losing the vast options to offset different features and such. The variety in making the data look a certain […]


The squirrels in Central Park: Center of Attraction of NorthEastern U.S

According to the comparison made through the two layers present in this map – one presenting the mapping of squirrels in Central Park and another one on the World Population Density Estimate 2016 – it is possible to observe that squirrels are located at the very center of the most populated area of NorthEastern U.S. […]


Squirrels in Central Park

The map I made shows the data on Central Park Squirrel sightings and information on average household sizes in the US. There is no obvious connection between household size and squirrel population, but I’d like to think that a larger household likely has kids and that might affect whether or not the squirrels choose to […]


Central Park Squirrels Spend the Most on Childcare

This is a map that shows squirrel populations in Central Park and childcare spending because clearly there’s a relationship between the two. Everyone knows only the rich squirrels can afford to live in Central Park. Making the map was pretty easy with the tutorial. I think the hardest part was choosing colors and themes and […]


Elevation vs. Squirrel Sightings

This map shows the relationship between elevation and squirrel sightings in Central Park. The base layer is a map of New York City, followed by a layer of the squirrel census data. The last layer is the elevation of New York City. Each type of squirrel (grey, brown, and black) is depicted by a picture […]


Squirrel Map

This is a simple map that I made. Basically, I mimicked Austin’s work and then made the pop-up for squirrels cleaner. It’s nothing too complicated, but I can see how this tool can be extremely beneficial when analyzing data. Coming from a CS background, this is the type of stuff that we’d have to do […]


Squirrel park and internet access map

This map shows the distribution of Squirrel and the internet access among different age groups, created on ArcGIS. The process of making a GIS map like this is not hard. This map has two layers: the density of squirrel and internet access among different age groups.



(Squirrels in my Population) Squirrels, a more detailed map, and the daytime/nighttime population of humans. Squirrels run central park, and I, for one, welcome our new overlords. Embedding was difficult, and it stopped working for some reason? But It’s here now! I see how this tool can be useful, but it wasn’t too interesting to […]


E-Portfolio on WordPress

Click here to see my page! It hasn’t gotten any good content yet, but for now, I am just familiarizing myself with the WordPress function. I find the experience hard to control, and so I struggled a bit but I managed to put a sample together. I will continue to explore! What might you do […]


WordPress: Trials and Tribulations

My process with setting up my WordPress site was quite bumpy.  Something went wrong in my registration stages so I never got a verification email.  This snag led to some conversations with customer support about how to log into my website.  However, we got it all figured out (a little later than intended) and I […]


My Experience So Far: Making this website has been an enjoyable experience so far. I enjoy the fact that I’m able to customize almost every aspect of my website by using CSS and the built-in tools on WordPress. I’m excited to learn all of the nuances of creating the best possible website. In the future, […]


Setting up WordPress

How did I fare setting up? The basics of setting up my own website were not as difficult as I was expecting it to be. Perhaps it was the fact that I was given step-by-step instructions– who knows? It was extremely gratifying to open up my website for the first time. When I was choosing […]


birth of the website

My WordPress experience felt very familiar and made me think of the ways in which these kinds of personalizations have become so much part of my life. The idea of crafting a public profile is almost ordinary. WordPress, for people who are usually on the client side of coding like me, is very easy to […]
