
GGPlot Visualization Tutorial

While there are numerous data visualization tools available, GGPlot still stands as one of the more comprehensive and creatively flexible platforms. GGPlot is a data visualization package for R, a widely used statistical computing program. Compared to tools like popular visualization tools like Tableau, GGPlot is much harder to understand (it’s syntax/structure can be frustrating […]



For my DH midterm, I did a text analysis on the short story On the Heels of De Wet by Lionel James; I hoped to uncover what sort of terms were being used to describe the Boer war. Attached is a link


Mapping Squirrels

I found the census data of squirrels in New York’s Central Park to rather interesting. After plotting the data on ArcGIS, I tried to see if I could find densities within the park, groups or locations that harbored specific squirrels or specific squirrel characteristics. I decided to stick with squirrel fur colors, as I found […]


Throwback to Elementary School

Wow making a website really does throw me back to years yonder, when I just found out that I could have my own space on the web (at the time, those sites tended to be pretty free. It does feel weird to have to pay for this site but I guess that WordPress has way […]


Coding is cool, but it is also so much more…

To be blunt, I think everyone should learn how to code regardless of whether or not they are humanities scholars. Not learning to code because it is daunting or inaccessible is a terrible excuse; in the advent of online communities, forums, and educational sites, you can easily learn how to code for free on your […]


Visualizing Angkor

Having not known much about Angkor at all, I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon the digital humanities project Virtual Angkor 360 ( ), a sprawling three-sixty degree computer-generated visualization of ancient Angkor. The project is spearheaded by an assortment of different teams and groups; the visualization itself is done by Sensilab, while […]


Questioning Our Digital Economy

“Rather, I want to see us recognize the work of the educators, those that analyze and characterize and critique, everyone who fixes things, all the other people who do valuable work with and for others—above all, the caregivers—whose work isn’t about something you can put in a box and sell. “ Why I Am Not […]


My Cool House or How I Learned to Let Go and Embrace the Orbit

Designing my childhood home from memory was perhaps one of the more difficult tasks given to me this term. Despite the formative years in my home, the summers that seemed to drag on for eternity and the winters that tested my youthful resolve, the image, the memory of my home itself, seemed to elude me. […]
