
ArcGis Storymap Tutorial

ArcGis storymap is a web-based application that allows the user to create a narrative with the use of a map. Using this application can help to visualize information and tell a story in an engaging and interactive way. With the option of including videos and images, ArcGis storymap is the perfect place to engage an […]


Food Diversification Project Update

Progress: What have you done so far, who have you talked to, what have you gathered, and what have you built? We have started thinking of ways to make our research more pointed and are looking into specific topics to cover. We are thinking about separating the information either by a decade or by specific […]


Carleton College Food Diversification

Members: Ginifer Coffin, Faith Yim, Daniel Chung, Lucklita Theng Project Topic: Carleton’s Food: Where Does it Come From? Proposed Methodology: We are planning on using data from the Carleton food providers from the past decade or so  (ex. Bon Appetit). The information we will be specifically interested in staple food products (meat, dairy, vegetables, grains) […]


Midterm Project

I analyzed the tate artist data and looked to see if there were any correlations between urban areas and the number of artists that came from these places. You can find it here.


Squirrels in NYC

For the ArcGIS activity, I wanted to see if there was any difference between the color of the squirrel and where they were located in Central Park. For example, were the black squirrels found to be largely in the shade or in darker places? Was there really any difference? I chose to do a layer […]


Setting up WordPress

How did I fare setting up? The basics of setting up my own website were not as difficult as I was expecting it to be. Perhaps it was the fact that I was given step-by-step instructions– who knows? It was extremely gratifying to open up my website for the first time. When I was choosing […]


Embracing the New World

Kirschenbaum’s article plays with this idea of an inserted importance on future generations’ literacy in computer languages and urges others to see the advantages of additional knowledge in technology. While I certainly don’t agree with using a computer language as a replacement to learn more traditional forms of languages, I do believe in his claim […]


If You Give a Robot the Vogue…

It’ll probably learn to read it. The project I had explored was titled “Robots Reading Vogue,” conducted at Yale University in 2014. From topic modeling to color analysis, the whole project contains many different components that utilize the given data in various ways. I was specifically interested in the n-gram search, which was accessible from […]


Suspicious Relief

It differs from traditional scholarly publication in being team-based, distributed in its production and outcome, dependent on networked resources (technical and/or administrative), and in being iterative and ongoing, rather than fixed or final, in its outcome. Burdick et al. “Project- Based Scholarship,” in Digital_Humanities(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012), 130. As a skeptical student hailing from […]


SketchUp House Model

How easy/hard was it? The entire project felt like it should have been simple: drawing basic rectangles and triangles. Putting different dimensions in and working on different planes made it so much harder! The project wasn’t necessarily impossible to do, it just mostly took some time to figure out how to create something to match […]
