
Team Team Teaching Final

We’ve created a network to represent how classes have been co-taught over the last 21 years at Carleton College. We pulled our data from the Carleton College Archives, and then re-visualized it in an interactive network! You can access our project here. ~Brooke, Nicole, Rebecca


Co-taught Class Correlation

Our final project is a network visualizing co-taught classes listed in Carleton’s academic catalogs from the last 20 years. We show the correlations between professors and departments, hoping to find a larger pattern about which departments co-teach the most frequently. We are about 75% of the way done with our project, but here is a […]


Juxta Editions Tutorial

Juxta Editions is an online platform for digitizing printed and handwritten documents. You can either transcribe a single document, or a series of documents and compile them into an edition. Either way, the process begins the same way: by uploading a JPG, PNG, or GIF. Once this file is uploaded, Juxta Editions offers two methods […]


Final Project Pitch

Nicole Connell, Rebecca Hicke, Brooke McKelvey Our project will be creating a network from a text analysis that displays the relationships between departments and professors through co-taught classes. Our data is composed of classes with multiple professors and comes from the past twenty years of academic catalogs (1999-2000 to 2019-2020) which are in the archives […]

Assignments Uncategorized

Artists born in the UK from 1900-1929

I took the 1900-1929 artist data from Tate, and used ArcGIS to display a pattern among UK-born artists:


Squirrels in Central Park

The map I made shows the data on Central Park Squirrel sightings and information on average household sizes in the US. There is no obvious connection between household size and squirrel population, but I’d like to think that a larger household likely has kids and that might affect whether or not the squirrels choose to […]


WordPress Stress

In high school, we were required to make a WordPress site that acted as our online journalism portfolio. There were no requirements regarding the look of the page, so it was a simple click and post experience as most of us used preexisting themes. This time around, I dug much deeper into the Dashboard of […]


My first “web page”

I’ve always run from the smallest computer problems, and coding has been no exception. I panic nearly every time I accidentally open a web page’s code and quickly look for the little “x” in the top right corner. I think that as technology becomes more ingrained in our everyday lives, it is necessary to try […]


Exploring Literary London

Released by Stanford University, Authorial London provides a publicly accessible platform for the public to explore and compare literary references to authors, places, and works within today’s Greater London area. Authorial London presents geographical references from the literary works and lives of 14th to 20th century authors. The first type of data point is biographical […]


DH Quote

Within this universe, the edifice of the humanities was firmly anchored in classical philology with fields such as archaeology, art history, and linguistics emerging only gradually from the shadow of textual studies. Burdick et al. “One: From Humanities to Digital Humanities,” in Digital_Humanities (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012), 6. After just two periods of my first Digital Humanities […]


Using SketchUp

At first, using SketchUp was fairly simple. Making the rectangles and raising them up mimicked video games I have played in the past so I felt comfortable with that aspect. Making the angled part of my house that sticks out provided a bit of a challenge. I used the line tool, but I wanted the […]
