
My Experience So Far: Making this website has been an enjoyable experience so far. I enjoy the fact that I’m able to customize almost every aspect of my website by using CSS and the built-in tools on WordPress. I’m excited to learn all of the nuances of creating the best possible website. In the future, I feel that this website will be very useful for me when I need to inform my employers about my past experiences.

What This Platform Can Do: I’ll use this platform to display my academic and professional experience for future employers. One of the main goals of my website is to present all of my experiences to those who are curious.

Benefits of This Platform: Creating my own website is better than using a social media platform because it allows me to customize everything about the website. Hopefully this ability to freely customize anything will help me create the best website possible for my needs.

Drawbacks of This Platform: Although customization is overall a good thing, it can also offer some drawbacks. The ability to customize anything could result in a messy and unprofessional website. Without guidelines, website creators must rely on their own website creation skills. Maintaining a professional and clean website takes vigilance and hard work.


One reply on “”

Woah, what WP theme did you used to get the layout to look like that? I’m really liking the simplicity and spread out footer of your page.

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