
Recogito Tutorial

Recogito is a new text annotation software used to analyse and critique text without the messy brackets. It is useful for a variety of students who require to analyze relationships between people mentioned, places named and more. I firstly used the sample text to annotate names, words and places. Then I downloaded a txt file […]


Midterm: The location and genre of Cushman’s photographs

I compared two interactive maps displaying the location and genre of photographs taken by Charles Cushman in 1962 and 1963.


Soil Drainage and Squirrels

I created a map using ARCgis that displayed two layers of data in central park in hope that it would show a correlation. I presented the location of squirrel sightings in central park in relation to levels of soil drainage. Interestingly it would seem that there was a correlation, areas that do not drain as […]


I created my first website at It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, fiddling with design and making it my own space made me feel a sense of importance. As it is a blog, I plan on using it for thoughts, stories or other things that I find interesting or important! Though making this website […]


Coding the Humanities: Who’s got the time?

Having no previous knowledge on coding I find the prospect of learning code daunting. But being able to write code is quickly becoming one of the most important skill sets to have in modern education. Therefore, I support that coding is an important skill in humanities, however, I do not think it is necessary. In […]


VIRTUAL ANGKOR: An insight into the historical monument

Angkor Wat, one of the most recognizable Hindu temples and the largest religious monument in the world. In this blog post, I explored the various aspects of a website that has constructed a 3D virtual Angkor Wat. The website was not intended to argue but as a learning tool for students who are interested in […]


Gender and “the maker”

‘We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons… but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters.’ Chachra, D. (2020). Why I Am Not a Maker. [online] The Atlantic. Available at: [Accessed 14 Jan.    This quote came at the end of the article and was intended to reiterate the […]


SketchUp: My experience

SketchUp initially seemed daunting. It took me some time to get adjusted to the using a trackpad and working in three dimensions. After some YouTube tutorials and a bit of practice I became more comfortable. What I found most difficult was size and proportion. I was struggling to create the correct sizes of doors and […]
