
Collaboration in the Liberal Arts

“The field of Digital Humanities may see the emergence of polymaths who can ‘do it all’: who can research, write, shoot, edit, code, model, design, network, and dialogue with users. But there is also ample room for specialization and, particularly, for collaboration.”


Creating a Project in SketchUp

This was my first time using SketchUp, and I found it relatively simple to use. It was fun and intuitive, something that makes for a positive experience for a person with very little 3D modeling experience. The exception was that I had trouble with a few specific tools. The first trouble I ran into was […]

Week 1: Intro

SketchUp Mini Project

I found SketchUp to be a more manageable software in this project than in any of my previous attempts at 3D modeling. This may be in part due to my familiarity with the model in question, my childhood home, but also due to the increased amount of digital collaboration I have undertaken since my first […]

Uncategorized Week 1: Intro

Interconnectivity in the Digital Humanities

“A quote often attributed to Gloria Steinem says: ‘We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons… but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters.’ “ I had never heard the words “digital” and “humanities” in the same sentence before registering for this class. After reading a couple of articles which […]


Iterative Framework

However, one of the strongest attributes of the field is that the iterative versioning of digital projects fosters experimentation, risk-taking, redefinition, and sometimes failure. It is important that we do not short-circuit this experimental process in the rush to normalize practices, standardize methodologies, and define evaluative metrics. Burdick et al. “One: From Humanities to Digital Humanities,” in Digital_Humanities […]


Questioning Our Digital Economy

“Rather, I want to see us recognize the work of the educators, those that analyze and characterize and critique, everyone who fixes things, all the other people who do valuable work with and for others—above all, the caregivers—whose work isn’t about something you can put in a box and sell. “ Why I Am Not […]


Sketchup First Take

Considering that I had no experience with modeling in Sketchup and my limited artistic experience as a youth, I found the program to be easier to use than I expected. I was extremely excited with process involved with creating my art and the satisfaction of tangibility experienced in creation. That stated, it was still annoying […]

Assignments Week 1: Intro

Home, Home in the Ranch…

Luckily for me (and my amateur SketchUp abilities) my parents live in a ranch-style home, which was built in the 1980’s. The overall design of the house is straightforward–in fact, there’s at least one other home in the neighborhood built from the very same plan and which has only superficial differences. Not to toot my […]


DH Quote

Within this universe, the edifice of the humanities was firmly anchored in classical philology with fields such as archaeology, art history, and linguistics emerging only gradually from the shadow of textual studies. Burdick et al. “One: From Humanities to Digital Humanities,” in Digital_Humanities (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012), 6. After just two periods of my first Digital Humanities […]


Passage Assignment

“Almost all the artifacts that we value as a society were made by or at the order of men. But behind every one is an invisible infrastructure of labor…” Why I Am Not a Maker, Debbie Chachra This passage grabbed my attention because it was something I had never thought about. As I started to […]


SketchUp Building – Teagan Johnson

a. Overall, using SketchUp was an enjoyable experience. It was a bit of a learning curve at first, but the longer I worked with it, the easier it became. b. The process of moving one individual line instead of all the parts connected to the line was very tedious. I’m still not entirely sure of […]


Assignment – Teagan Johnson

“The problem is the idea that the alternative to making is usually not doing nothing…” Why I Am Not a Maker, Debbie Chachra This passage grabbed my attention because it reminded me about how society can often assume false binaries. In this example, if you don’t “make” something for a living (coding and engineering are two […]


SketchUp: First Experience

Using SketchUp for the first time was a rather challenging though rewarding experience. It reminded me of my experience of learning a new language, where I would have to adapt a sentence structure to say what I wanted but using words I knew. With SketchUp I had to try and build a structure as well […]


SketchUp: My experience

SketchUp initially seemed daunting. It took me some time to get adjusted to the using a trackpad and working in three dimensions. After some YouTube tutorials and a bit of practice I became more comfortable. What I found most difficult was size and proportion. I was struggling to create the correct sizes of doors and […]


Stepping Up with SketchUp

How easy/hard was it? While my gut instinct is to lament about how much time it took to learn and how difficult it was to master the finicky tools, the program itself is actually incredibly beginner-friendly. Even though there’s a distinct learning curve consisting of constantly making and remaking rectangles, each tool is easily labelled, […]


My First SketchUp Experience

At first, getting familiar with SketchUp was a challenge for me, as I have next to know experience with modeling or computers in general.  However, after the tutorials and fiddling around with all of the tools for awhile, I was able to discover how I could use certain functions to piece together a rough model […]


Sketchup House Project

I found the process of creating a house on SketchUp to be fairly intuitive after about half an hour of playing around with the software. I also found the tutorial video by SketchUp on roofs to be very useful. At first, I got bogged down in trying to make things look perfect. I was trying […]


First experience of using Sketchup

Sketchme is a wonderful app to generate 3-D work, but it was a little bit challenging to me because it was the first time that I use the app like this. The unfamiliarity of the app bogged me down. The instruction videos showed how to manifest the old version of Sketchup, thus I couldn’t find […]


SketchUp Experience

Utilizing SketchUp as a novice isn’t difficult. However, to plan for and actually have the program execute the exact steps and shapes you want is a whole different matter. There are many trivial intricacies that can completely change the final look of one’s build. For instance, being in scale with the actual build in terms […]


SketchUp Day 1

How easy/hard was it? I found some elements of SketchUp to be easy and some elements to be more difficult. The initial rotation and movement was not intuitive but it felt more natural after a little bit of practice. I mainly worked with the rectangle, push up, and move tools, which generally acted as I […]


My Cool House or How I Learned to Let Go and Embrace the Orbit

Designing my childhood home from memory was perhaps one of the more difficult tasks given to me this term. Despite the formative years in my home, the summers that seemed to drag on for eternity and the winters that tested my youthful resolve, the image, the memory of my home itself, seemed to elude me. […]


SketchUp Beginnings

I found that using SketchUp was not very difficult. It did not take long to learn what each tool did, especially after watching the short tutorial videos. What was difficult was getting used to using the commands in a quick and efficient way. At first, it was tricky to switch between tools and remember which […]


sketchup experience

I found the click and drag component so central to Sketchup to be a highly intuitive tool that felt natural to me. Using it felt similar to building games I’ve used in the past, like the Sims builder. I also found the pull notion to be a good tool that was also fun to use […]


SketchUp Process

I think there were some elements of this process that were easy to grasp, and some that were more challenging. Making the basic three dimensional shapes that formed the house was relatively easy but trying to include details or less simple objects was more difficult, especially since there were some rules to how the tools […]


Sketchup? More Like Fed Up!

Sketchup proved to be quite a frustrating learning experience for me. After I mistakenly spent a great deal of time creating the floor plan for my house, I then realized that the assignment was only for the outside. I pressed on, disappointed with my human mistake, but still determined to make something house-like. Unfortunately, I […]


SketchUp Again!

Since I’ve had a good amount of prior experience with 3D drafting in high school, so this assignment weren’t particularly difficult…Though afterward I did remember why we migrated to a new software. Since SketchUp has a very gentle learning curve, it was a little bit too cumbersome since a lot of the actions can’t be […]

Assignments Week 1: Intro

My Sketchup Adventure

This first assignment in the course involved us using the application Sketchup to create a basic 3D model of our house from where we grew up. At the beginning before we began playing around with the software, the task seemed daunting since designing a house is something that requires years of education and practice. However, […]


Using SketchUp

At first, using SketchUp was fairly simple. Making the rectangles and raising them up mimicked video games I have played in the past so I felt comfortable with that aspect. Making the angled part of my house that sticks out provided a bit of a challenge. I used the line tool, but I wanted the […]


SketchUp Experience

SketchUp wasn’t too hard to get a handle on but it had a tendency to do what it thinks you want and is often wrong. I had trouble getting lines to connect where I wanted them to. I’m particularly proud of the courtyard but I think the proportions of the house still look a little […]

Assignments Week 1: Intro

Yixin Song’s Home

Doing SketchUp was not as hard as I imagined, whereas it definitely took a large amount of time if you wanted to make a delicate model. Windows and doors were the main obstacles for me. My home has a lot of windows on the sides, and hidden doors inside rooms. Therefore, I tried several times […]
