Trials and Tribulations of Making My House In SketchUp

The Front of My House

Getting started in SketchUp was a rocky road, the more I used it the more I got accustomed to the bumps that come with the program. My house is a raised ranch house that has a bay window which extends out on the second floor. The majority of my problems came from modeling that part of the house. I found that drawing two lines to create a new shape on a rectangular block and using the push and pull tool worked to eliminate the unwanted space, especially on the bay window to get its trapezoidal shape.

Side of My House

Once I got the hang of using that to eliminate parts of a rectangle that I didn’t want, I was able to make the roof, chimney and stair forms that I need to make. I would like to know if there are easier ways to do that task, as my method didn’t always work. Control Z was definitely my friend. Another problem I faced was with the copy and paste function, and trying to align my windows with the previously placed windows.

The Back of My House

I couldn’t find any way to ensure items were level, especially because the shape of my house would often look distorted depending on how I was looking at it. Overall, I was able to most of the forms I wanted to make, but not all of them.

Author: Emily W

2 thoughts on “Trials and Tribulations of Making My House In SketchUp

  1. Control Z is definitely a necessary, indispensable feature in Sketchup that I found myself using over and over again as well. I also had some trouble with copying and pasting objects around the model – I found that I would usually end up copying either more or less than I had intended, and I would have to start the process over again. However, the more I used the different tools Sketchup has to offer, the more comfortable I got using it.

  2. I kept getting tripped up when I was making the house because it looked funky from the different angles and could not figure out how to even out each side. It just looked even from one side and not the other. I just started over a lot.

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