Sketchup House!

Getting started with a small Sketchup project was actually pretty simple! I had used it a couple times before for other small projects, and although I had basically forgotten how to use it since then, after just a quick tutorial building a model of my old house was fairly easy.

One thing that I had some difficulty with was grouping object. I found, several times, that when I was trying to use the “push/pull” tool on a surface with other objects on it (i.e. a wall with windows on it), I would pull out only one piece when I wanted all of them to come out. Once I figured out how to make groups of objects this became somewhat easier, but I still found it a bit tedious.

I could easily imagine this tool being used for Digital Humanities projects that are aimed at giving a sense of what life would be like somewhere in the world or at a different time. For example, creating models of artifacts, buildings, and landscapes could be used in an immersive way, whether through digital media such as VR, or actual physical constructions of the models, to teach about life different cultures and periods of time.

Author: Aidan

4 thoughts on “Sketchup House!

  1. I agree that creating 3D models in this way could be great for VR, among other immersive experiences. For me, it’s one thing to view an environment on a screen, but a whole other to interact with it as if I was actually there.

  2. Aidan, I agree the push/pull tool is challenging to use. One false mouse on the mouse and your house could be different. Additionally, I also found some of the work tedious, but I’ve learned that just the process of digital editing. I am curious about your suggestion for VR. Do you think there could be a time where people can put themselves in the exact environment as historical figures? This idea could be a breakthrough in academia.

  3. I agree that the “push/pull” tool is a little bit frustrating to use. I think what you did–grouping was a great way to solve the problem! At the same time, I also think that there should be a more efficient way to select or to move a group of items.

  4. Aidan, you’ve struck a nerve. Grouping done right is liberating, but SketchUp often has a mind of its own. As for VR application, yes, this is a major area of research in 3D right now that we will look at much more as we go forward — stay tuned!

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