
Recogito Tutorial

Recogito is a new text annotation software used to analyse and critique text without the messy brackets. It is useful for a variety of students who require to analyze relationships between people mentioned, places named and more. I firstly used the sample text to annotate names, words and places. Then I downloaded a txt file of Trump’s dumbest quotes so test some of the tools. It is still a relatively new application, but below I have added some basic steps for text analysis.

1. This is the sample page provided by the recogito website.
2) By selecting a word/phrase you can create a textual annotation
3) when selecting a word that is a specific location you can add it to a map that will allow you to analyse any trends in locations.
4) Here is an example txt of Trump’s quote i found on GIThub
5) When selecting a phrase you can create a specific event that has happened in a point in time
6) Furthermore when you add two people you can connect them through a relation button located at the top toolbar this allows you to create relationships between people

Heres some resources I used to better my knowledge:

5 replies on “Recogito Tutorial”

Great tutorial. It seems like Recogito is a powerful tool that allows users to visualize relationships between many aspects of a body of text. I could see this being a very powerful tool when combining Regogito and OCS programs to annotate the text of printed documents.

This is really cool. I typically have trouble annotating on a device, but I think a program like this would really help. I appreciate how you showcased the different ways to interact with the text, especially with connecting two pieces of text. Is this solely a web tool or is there a downloadable version too?

Very easy tutorial to follow along with. This seems like an extremely useful application to know how to use. The pictures were also a nice touch to make it very clear for me.

I’ve never thought of using an online annotation platform before, so thanks for bringing this to all of our attention. I don’t think I have any criticism for it, and just wanted to thank you for putting this up!

Great tutorial! This platform actually far overweighs the annotation platform I chose to work with for this assignment in terms of features and UI interface usability. I think the linkage between words is a great feature while having the option to mark sections/phrases based on events and location are accessibilities that can be very useful for analyzing digital texts.

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