
Team Team Teaching Final

We’ve created a network to represent how classes have been co-taught over the last 21 years at Carleton College. We pulled our data from the Carleton College Archives, and then re-visualized it in an interactive network! You can access our project here. ~Brooke, Nicole, Rebecca


Co-taught Class Correlation

Our final project is a network visualizing co-taught classes listed in Carleton’s academic catalogs from the last 20 years. We show the correlations between professors and departments, hoping to find a larger pattern about which departments co-teach the most frequently. We are about 75% of the way done with our project, but here is a […]


Project Update: Co-Taught Classes

Brooke McKelvey, Nicole Connell, and Rebecca Hicke The progress we’ve made on our project has been in the data collection area, which we’ve identified as the most time consuming area of our project. We have gotten about 25% of the way through our initial data collection, which involves identifying classes listed in Carleton’s academic catalogs […]


Final Project Pitch

Nicole Connell, Rebecca Hicke, Brooke McKelvey Our project will be creating a network from a text analysis that displays the relationships between departments and professors through co-taught classes. Our data is composed of classes with multiple professors and comes from the past twenty years of academic catalogs (1999-2000 to 2019-2020) which are in the archives […]
