
Squirrels in Central Park

The map I made shows the data on Central Park Squirrel sightings and information on average household sizes in the US. There is no obvious connection between household size and squirrel population, but I’d like to think that a larger household likely has kids and that might affect whether or not the squirrels choose to go near there…it’s a stretch, I know.

The process of making this map was fairly simple; I changed the pop-up tags for the squirrel data to make it more reader friendly, and I added/removed a few different layers, eventually settling on the one focusing on average household size. It became a little confusing at the end when I went to share my map and make a web application, just because I’m not totally sure what the difference is between the map I made and the web application, but the buttons were fairly self-explanatory. Overall, I think the website was very user friendly and I’d be interested in making maps at a larger, global scale.

3 replies on “Squirrels in Central Park”

I also appreciated your attempt to link two seemingly disparate statistics and find a new connection between them! Looking at the perimeter of houses in relation to the inside of the park is a great way of thinking outside of the box, if you will. Intriguing…

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