Week 3: Databases (Back End)

My WordPress Experience


While this a great way to communicate with others, it has drawbacks as opposed to using a social media platform or some other platform. First, one thing that can either be a benefit or a drawback is the number of choices one has with this type of platform. Personally, I would prefer a social media or other platforms which already have some stylistic aspects set in stone. With so many choices, I often want to see every single option and then still stress over which one to choose. Additionally, having information on this type of platform requires more attention to details that would otherwise be taken care of or not a problem at all, such as spam. That being said, having this amount of choice allows for lots of variety and has endless creative potential. I would like to set aside a couple of hours to really dive in and get to know all of the creative opportunities I have with the tools WordPress offers. I look forward to building this platform and hopefully making more concrete stylistic choices.

Setbacks and purpose of my website

I plan to mainly use my website as a place to keep track of all things related to Hacking the Humanities. However, I would also like to make it a more personal website in the future and add more career and background information. Some setbacks I encountered while creating my website was targeting the correct elements when I wanted to change and edit some stylistic features. I also struggled with incorporating custom CSS as it seemed like I was never able to target the correct element. Overall, I didn’t encounter any drastic setbacks, only some minor frustrations with editing.

One reply on “My WordPress Experience”

I think the difficulties you experienced with targeting elements is definitely a big issue for everyone. On most websites, the website designers have chosen to group elements using their custom classes with non-standard names, making it very hard for others to decide what elements to target. But for wordpress, I’m sure that you can find some kind of documentation for that.

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