
Creating a Blog

I found the process of creating a website to be extremely fluid and straightforward. As I argued in my last blog post, digital resources have reached a point where engaging with them is accessible to non-technical audiences and WordPress certainly meets the mark. Installing plugins, themes, and creating pages are all approachable, and the processes necessary to engage with them are clearly marked.

The one area that brought some confusion was the simple CSS editor. While I have some experience with CSS, at first I was confused about how to view all of the html elements in the page so I could interact with them through the simple CSS plugin. Eventually I decided to just use inspect element and didn’t have any further issues adjusting the font color of my About page

I want to take my website in a direction that is both relevant to the class, and inline with my own interests. I have spent a lot of time this term engaging with digital music and how new technology affects the way we think about sound. I hope to use this platform to host my own individual projects, as well as the projects we do in class.

At this point, I can’t see a reason to build your own website over using a service like WordPress. Although building a site from the ground up allows for a greater degree of customization, the simple CSS plugin shows that the website can still be structured and altered in any way that an individual desires. WordPress appears to provide a strong foundation to any web project that reduces time spent on the more monotonous elements of web development, while still allowing an individual to adapt their project by applying coding knowledge. Perhaps limitations will become more clear over time, but they are not apparent in the initial stages of building the site.

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