
Making a Blog

Well, so I thought I knew what I was doing…oops, I originally posted the following on my own blog as opposed to this one, but now that I understand the assignment better, heres the post about making my blog, the original can be found at

“This has been a bit of a new experience, but the fact that nothing has burnt down or exploded yet is encouraging. Typos while I was rushing to set it up aside, the rest of the creation process has gone surprisingly well. I remembered how to use CSS and the rudiments of DevTools, and the theme I chose looks nice.

Looking into the future, this domain will hopefully be a place to stick all of those projects and papers that I feel so inclined to share with the wider world. At the moment all I’ve got in the works is a journal submission to Ezra’s Archives, Cornell’s undergraduate research journal, so I suppose that’ll get put here if it pans out. Maybe I’ll go back into the archive and pull out the 3D model of a pair of wrist clasps I made freshman spring, the possibilities are truly endless. 

It may not be the prettiest blog, but I hope that through a combination of forcibly teaching myself more about CSS and doing more things that are worth putting out on the web, I will be able to flesh this out into the blog I want it to be, which I suppose is one of the benefits of taking full authorial control as opposed to signing onto a content management platform.” -Me

2 replies on “Making a Blog”

I agree that creating a website gives you more freedom than if you were to use a social media platform. This freedom can be very helpful, but it can also be burdensome without clear guidelines about a “good” website’s layout.

“This has been a bit of a new experience, but the fact that nothing has burnt down or exploded yet is encouraging. ” I relate. I was so frustrated with customizing the webpage. I wish I could just code all of it, I feel like the interface provided just complicated things further.

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