SketchUp Photo Modeling
BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE, read through this list of 10 tips every SketchUp modeler should know at Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.
We went over the basics of the match photo technique in class and I linked to some of these resources on post 5A, but here are my recommended resources for getting this technique down.
An oldy but a goody…
These two videos are several years old, but give you some best practices and will reiterate the basic technique.
And here’s a static handout that lists the main steps using the same project: Match Photo: Modeling from Photos
More advanced techniques: multiple photos
The two videos below are more recent match photo tutorials that show how to incorporate multiple photos, but skip over some of the basic steps outlined above.
And if you want to go deep…
Here’s a four part tutorial that incorporates some much more advanced features.
Blog Post
The assignment for this week is to make as much progress as you can on your building and write up your reflections like you did for the your own house in week 1.
- How did the process compare to free form modeling?
- What frustrations did you encounter?
- What triumphs did you enjoy?
- What insights (if any) does the process of trying to represent a building in 3D give you that you would not have had without making the attempt?
- Do you think this exercise will make a contribution to the scholarship?