
Dacie Moses Project Progress

Aaron Forman, Molly Sandweiss, Nacho Rodriguez, and Bia Furtado

Since last week, our group has taken significant strides toward the fulfillment of our final project’s goals. Bia acquired data spreadsheets from Dacie Moses house, which contain information pertaining to volunteers, events, donations, Sunday Brunches, and types of food. Nacho worked with Open Refine to clean up the data and prepare it for use in our timeline. Molly developed the website structure in WordPress to host our project. Aaron searched for images and used the Dublin Core standards to record the information in a Google Sheet. Our plan is to include an Omeka link on our WordPress page that will allow the viewer to look at images and captions of Dacie Moses through the format of items and exhibits. We will import the images to Omeka using the Dublin Core spreadsheet that contains the photograph data.

We ran into some difficulty setting up the WordPress page and its password, but we eventually figured out what to do. We now have a subdomain up and running, and each member has access to the editing process because we all know the username and password. Deciding which data to use, especially if it is incomplete, is a challenge that persists. We still have an incorrect page at the URL, but links to the correct page.

So far, we have used Open Refine and Timeline JS. We plan to use Tableau to create charts that mark specific events throughout a single year. We will also use Omeka to set up a gallery exhibit with photos from Dacie Moses.

Our project is on track, and each member has a sense of his or her responsibilities to the group.

5 replies on “Dacie Moses Project Progress”

The project pulls together a bunch of tools we’ve covered around a really compelling data source and I can’t wait to see what you all come up with.

On the Omeka front, embedding exhibits in WordPress or using a lightbox plugin for WordPress might help make the component parts feel more integrated than just linking between them.

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