
Dacie Moses Project Pitch

Group Members: Molly, Nacho, Bia, Aaron

Definition of Project Objectives: Find out how times of the year affect how many people visit Dacie Moises House and what they bake.

The Plan: We want to make a timeline that shows the busiest times of terms and what kinds of things get baked at different times of the year. Do they vary based on stress? Are there more visitors during finals or fewer? Do recipes change based on holidays?

We would use Timeline JS to make the data interactive and offer the users different information based on what they’re looking for: time of year, baked goods, or visitors. We plan on using the records from Dacie Moises House on how many people are visiting at a time and what kinds of things they are baking. Dacie Moises keeps records and we can get the records directly from them. We’ll use a CSV and then Openrefine to clean up the data. We also plan to incorporate photos from the college archives and Dacie Moises to help make the project feel more interactive. 

We estimate the total time to complete this project will be about ~2 weeks. 

Examples of Projects that make a good model for us:

Group Tag: Dacie’s Project

5 replies on “Dacie Moses Project Pitch”

Team Dacie Moses,

This sounds like a really interesting project, with a lot of potential. I have no idea what those data look like or how complete they are, but you seem to have a good sense for what is there.

I would encourage you to consider having multiple sections of your website that introduce and explain the background of the house itself and the woman it is named for, the data you are analyzing, and the visualizations.

A timeline might be more appropriate for the history of the house and/or for pointing out key highlights than as your main data viz. The Rhythm of Food Google project you point to as inspiration uses a radial graph to illustrate changing frequency over the year. You can create radial year graphs using Tableau, for which you can get support from the Data Squad student workers at Data Drop-In hours in the libe W 2-3:30.

Having a more interactive data viz, linked from other parts of your website or even the timeline slides themselves would make the whole project feel more expansive.

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