First Sketch-Up Model

2D model of my home.

A challenging part of the Sketch-Up house project was creating the roofs as well as all other 3D shapes that aren’t rectangular. In addition, the roof was hard to smooth on the top when the roof’s top was not a right angle.
I wish there were more color and design options, but there were plenty of general options to get as close as possible to making it look like the real thing. Overall, modeling certain features of the house required some learning through video tutorials and playing around. Something that could be helpful is to learn how to group certain shapes and some clicking techniques to allow accurate copies of shapes with the same measurements. The program is mostly intuitive but can be much easier if the time is taken to explore some useful skills and shortcuts.

Author: hjkeithahn

One comment

  1. “The program is mostly intuitive but can be much easier if the time is taken to explore some useful skills and shortcuts” Amen. We did the briefest of introductions here but to use the program properly, you definitely want to take some more instruction and follow some key best practices. Great detail without them!

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