Adventures with SketchUp

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I approached the assignment to model my house using SketchUp with great trepidation. I found SketchUp a year or two ago as I was searching for a less expensive Photoshop alternative, and found it incredibly non-intuitive and frustrating. (As an aside, the programs have completely different uses and Acorn is a much better Photoshop alternative.) Of course, when I first encountered SketchUp IĀ assumed I’d be able to figure out its functions without the help of any tutorials. It didn’t go well.

This time, with the help of a few basic tutorials, I was supposed to create a model of my childhood home. I discovered that after watching the tutorials, accurately representing my house was more difficult than using SketchUp itself. While I had a good sense of what the house looks like, I did not have any idea of the sizes of porches and windows in comparison to other parts of the house. I likely could have made my final product look more realistic by using SketchUp’s sizing tools more often, but I found that I preferred some free-hand drawing in this situation, as I was not going off of a picture or other plans.

There were several areas where SketchUp still proved incredibly unintuitive, especially when it came to changing the base color of a texture (which was necessary to give my house the blue cladding on its walls). I also discovered that while the technique for making a roof shown in the tutorial works, it had a tendency to glitch, leading to my house initially possessing a terrifying roof which appeared to fold into itself. I discovered that drawing a roof that meets to a point in the center (as parts of my house’s roof does) is easier using a freehand

In sum, I found SketchUp significantly easier and more powerful then I remembered it. However, it is not without its quirks, and the software definitely has a steep learning curve! Now that I’m more familiar with it, I find it much more enjoyable to use.

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One Comment

  1. I’m glad you found your way around SketchUp more easily this time around, but I agree that the program does have its quirks. That said, the learning curve is less steep than most modeling software, as your impressive results demonstrate. Did you find any particular tutorials or tools especially useful that you’d care to share?

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