Just a few options and fields in HTML/CSS

It took me a while (because boredom), but I recently finished my HTML/CSS Page which I will give you via code.

Queue for Students

body{ font-family: helvetica;
font-size: 12px;
background-color: pink;

Please fill all fields!

Full Name:

Phone Number:

What is the nature of your meeting?
To set up a trip.
Talk about future plans.
Something else.
If you chose "Something else" or would like to elaborate on your other choices, type here.

I hope you enjoyed your experience!

I think, while tedious, typing HTML and CSS is pretty fun, but it’d be much more fun to make a website via Dreamweaver, an Adobe software I used when I was in high school. I mostly used the HTML and CSS tutorials as references to build up my web page; I could have done much more work, but I just couldn’t be asked.

In terms of the CSS, I decided to write it internally into my head.

I don’t really have much to say from here, so until next time.

Author: lintone

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