LGBT History at Carleton for the Past Twenty-Five Years

Members: Alief Moulana, Saahithi Rao

Topic and Objective: LGBTQ+ history at Carleton for the past twenty-five years. We want to gather all LGBTQ+ history-related information at Carleton into a single timeline that accumulates personal stories, newspapers articles, oral histories, and facts describing the progress of LGBTQ+ rights and life at Carleton.

Methodology: We hope to use data available from Carleton Archives including audio recordings, student scrapbooks, newspapers, LGBT council records, and Institutional Research information especially on incoming first-year students. We also want to ask GSC staff if they can provide more information or any resources that are relevant to our project. We will, then, digitize non-digital information, store all of the information in a cloud, and then create a single database on an Excel file to refer to these data for future use in creating the timeline using TimelineJS. We can also include images or recording on this timeline. This timeline will be interactive for the users. For instance, users can click on images to get further information or click on the audio recording to listen to it. We can also have a search box where users can look for specific information or search a specific time in history.


  1. Data Collection: Visit Carleton archive and GSC and collect other sources of information (by February 17th)
  2. Data Storing: Digitize all of our data, creating a catalog (by February 23rd)
  3. Create Timeline (by February 28th)
  4. Results: Present the timeline, edit the blog and website, and create presentation (by March 4th)
  5. Final Polish/Draft (by March 7th)

Similar Project: 

We want to model our project on an “LGBT Rights in the Americas Timeline” created by faculty at Amherst College. This timeline provides information about global LGBT activism and utilizes search tools, interactive displays, articles, and images. We hope to create a similar type of user engagement with this topic, making it more illustrative and accessible to students.

Our Personal Thoughts:

Saahithi’s Thoughts

Alief’s Thoughts

Author: Alief

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