Various ways of 3D modeling

3D modeling can be used to preserve artifacts to look extremely life-like in case of them being destroyed or lost in time. It can also answer questions regarding the quality of a certain building or stuff that can’t be seen through the naked eye. 3D modeling also helps preserves buildings and can let people know what the past buildings looked like and what they were built from. If many pictures of a certain building or artifact are available then a pretty detailed 3D modeling can take place, but with insufficient data a 3D model cannot take place. A 3D model is usually nothing without data.

Manual modeling can create a rough idea of what a building looked like but it usually isn’t very detailed and what I mean by that is that when you zoom in the details get very rough and not very life-like. Procedural modeling is generation of complex geometry from basic shapes through the application of code-based rules. This technique allows a user to produce, modify and update large, textured models of entire cities quickly. This can be very quick and easy to get a rough idea of what a city may have looked like and what it’s buildings looked like, but this technique is also not very detailed oriented. On the other hand, photogrammetry is a very detailed way to see what artifacts or buildings actually look while giving a very detailed idea of what cannot be seen by the naked eye.

I chose to talk about the 3D visualization of the Upper Nodenza Village and I feel as if they did an amazing job with what data they had. I feel as if they gave a pretty good idea of what houses were like in that area at that time and what the surrounding area looked like. Their collection of artifacts from that area were done with laser scanning and I was unable to look at the collection but I am sure that they are very detailed because of the laser scanning. This whole DH project just goes to show how people can recreate cities and villages just like they were when they were still standing and that is an amazing fact. I still believe that this should be made more accessible and more known to common people because I’m sure this would be helpful to so many people wondering what old cities and villages may have looked like.


Author: onomiyan2

One comment

  1. I agree with you! The Upper Nodenza Village model seems to be better done than that of The World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893. The Upper Nodenza Village model has much more advanced image quality because of the techniques and the tools they use to create the model.

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