From the Commonplace Book:

Minnesota, and the Midwest in general, is often referred to as “flyover country.” A part of the country filled with cornfields and livestock pastures, ignored as people fly between the more heavily populated coasts. Few tourists stop by to do anything but switch flights. Veseli, much like Minnesota, is an area that most people experience as interstitial space between larger town such as New Prague and Northfield. Acknowledging this, it’s crucial to map what passes through Veseli in order to get a feeling for how the vast majority of people experience the county. The roads are easy to map, as are the routes between towns that pass through Veseli. The railroad, somewhat famously, curves through the southeast corner of the county on its way to the next stop in Lonsdale. A number of pipelines pass under Veseli and, combined with the air-traffic above, create a 3D mosaic of the travel flowing through.
