Firstly, I would like to apologize for the poor quality of the photos. Due to my schedule, I could not get to my area before sundown. Some photos do have this grainy, hyperreal effect to them. Due to the lighting in some places, I may not have been as observant as I would have been during the day. This is not ideal of course, but I was able to find some exciting landmarks here and there.

Throughout my time at Carleton, I have been addicted to taking walks around Northfield. I feel as if a good chunk of people I talk to take walks around the arb, but honestly, I much prefer a walk around the residential blocks around Carleton. There is something very meditative and quiet about these blocks, and the houses are mostly old and quite pretty. In turn, I was in disbelief that I was able to have assignment about something I did in my free time.

My area was 5th to 9th between college and Union Street. You can see the map below:

First up, to get a sense of where my area was, it was approximately around 2 blocks away from the Weitz (where we have class!) This was the intersection between college and Union Street.

Next, I started to walk down college street to Ninth. At the start, I saw a house with a fence and a basketball court. I will note that I put this down probably due to the initial excitement of starting my area, but also fenced houses from anecdotal experience are quite uncommon around Carleton (with Allie B’s house being one of the very few houses with fences).

Continuing onto College Street, on the block between 6th and 7th street I saw this glass mural of Jake from Adventure Time — rarely do you see any pop culture references in any of the houses.

I turned on 9th street, and here I first a very large (presumably old) tree that caught my attention. I also saw this beautiful elevated rock-filled garden with a shrubbed exterior.

From here on out I walked up Union Street and then 8th, 7th, 6th, and 5th in that order.

Moving onto 8th Street, I noticed the lighting for the streets following this got much darker, so I would like to apologize again for the blurry photography. I found this house to be bizarre — it feels much larger than the other houses around this part — almost colonial?

Continuing down Union Street, I saw a grouped-together tree and a house I liked.

Then on 7th street, I probably saw the most interesting thing I noticed on my route. It looks like of home repair or mechanic shop of some kind. It features the Model T models out the front and also lighting around the house. Not sure exactly what this is (they were eating dinner and did not want to loiter).

Back on union street, I saw a wheelbarrow then on 6th Street h I saw this house with a very large fence that felt out of place.

As I finished my route, I saw a little library that is scattered throughout town, and I saw this house that looked little Nutting House (Allie B’s house), and I saw this very bright house with a light-up peace sign was an interesting way to finish my route.

Overall, I quite liked this project. I am pretty observant most of the time, but I have done so many walks around Northfield everything just eventually blended together. It was nice to be intentional and look at a particular set of blocks I have rarely passed by. If I were to do this again, I would do this during the day

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