Missile Base:
For my deep map of the MS-40 Missile Base I used the cascade story builder template from ArcGIS. In this deep map I wanted to explore the history behind the imperative the drove the United States to build multiple rural missile bases during the Cold War. I then wanted to explore how the location of these bases and the landscape around came into play in deciding to locate them there. I then wanted to explore the interior of the MS-40 military base and what the functionality of each building was, and what their location was in relation to each other. For my maps of the landscape, I used Google Earth which has a 3d feature that showcases these features really well. To show the buildings of the base and their relation to each other, I used images from the Library of Congress that were taken of the base before it was demolished. I also have footage from Youtube, of a missile test that showcases how things operated on the base. As for information, I found an open sourced website the documented the history of the Nike missile system in the United States.

Castle Rock Formation:
For my deep map of the Castle Rock Formation, I used the cascade story builder template from ArcGIS. In the deep map, I use Google maps to show the current formation ruins from a distance as it is on private property now. I historical photos to show how it originally looked, and geological surveys of the formation to explain the geo-local makeup and history of the formation. I also use the Nicollet map of the Mississippi River basin to showcase its first appearance on a map. I also incorporate information from a great article from the Farmington Area Historical Society that details the Dakotas people relationship with the formation, and the stories of how the formation was destroyed.

Castle Rock Settlement:
For my deep map of the Castle Rock Settlement I used the cascade story builder template from ArcGIS. In this deep map to explore the settlement of the Castle Rock Township. I used a map of the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux agreement to explain how this land became viable for settlement as it had been inhabited by the Dakota prior to 1851. The main map I use is a plat map of the township that was created in 1896 the shows what settlers own what piece of land. I also found a publication from 1882 that detailed the settlement history of the township, and I was able to map these events in chronological order using the story map scroll feature. After making this timeline I share several observations I made about how this township was settled.
