I’m Sophia, a senior English major and Medieval & Renaissance Studies Minor, and currently, student of the spring 2023 Deep Mapping class. I have a funny relationship with place, since I moved around a decent amount growing up. My family currently lives in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (a place which is unfamiliar to most of my peers at Carleton, as I have discovered). Believe it or not, Kitchener is actually slightly to the south of Northfield, in spite of any ideas people have that Canada is “up north,” generally speaking. (I hasten to add, I grew up in Ottawa as well, which is slightly more northern than Northfield. I usually mention this in winter terms in service of the old but obnoxious oh, you think this is cold? bit. Sorry. I know it’s annoying.) But, after four years of Carleton, I’ll have lived in Northfield for almost as long as I’ve spent in Kitchener. So I thought it would be good to learn more about this place before I leave! I’m also taking this class because I thought it would be a rewarding experience to do work that engages more directly with the Northfield community before I graduate. As an English major, I’m also interested in exploring the power of maps as storytelling devices.

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