1st to 5th, Winona to Nevada Street

Step one of intentionally walking four blocks of Northfield directly south of Carleton College’s campus is abandoning your backpack behind a tree; my dorm was too far away, my computer and books were too heavy, and time was ticking. Step two is inviting a friend along, under the condition that they don’t distract you. My friend Felicia, a junior German major at Carleton, was looking for someone to hang out

About Sammie

Hello! My name is Sammie and I am Political Science/International Relations major and German minor at Carleton College, with a particular focus and interest in the intersection of ideas, place, and memory in Central and Eastern Europe. I work in Student Financial Services at Carleton and am involved in Ballroom and Social Dance and Der Freie Karleton Klub (German Club). As a student of politics, I am constantly interested in
