Curtiss-Wedge, Franklyn. History of Goodhue County, Minnesota. H.C. Cooper, 1909.

“Governors of Minnesota: Al Quie Biography.” Minnesota Historical Society. Accessed June 07, 2019.

Koester, Craig. “Message to the Public”, Interviewed by Bakhtawar Chaudhary, Jorde Ranum, and Boluwatife Johnson, (Environmental Science 110, Friends of Prairie Creek. Online: (Accessed June 08, 2019)

Photos in Dennison chapter taken from “Collections Online.” Minnesota Historical Society. Accessed June 09, 2019.[]=Photographs.

Jarchow, Merrill E. Donald J. Cowling : Educator, Idealist, Humanitarian: Academic Catalogs of Carleton College, 1974, 356.

Koester Prairie sign photo and Dennison panoramic photo taken by me, May 11, 2019.

Photos in Stanton chapter taken from “Flight Training/Carleton Airfield/Stanton Airport” Carleton College Archives.” Accessed June 06, 2019.

“Prairie Creek Wildlife Management Area – Base Map.” ENTS 110. Created using ArcGIS software by Esri. Accessed June 10, 2019.

Poole Brothers, and Chicago Great Western Railway Company. Chicago Great Western Railway “Maple Leaf Route.” Chicago, 1897. Map.

Thompson, Chris. “Stanton Airport an Historical Landmark.” The Northfield News, October 23, 2004.

U.S. Congress, House, To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 37598 Goodhue Avenue in Dennison, Minnesota, as the “Albert H. Quie Post Office”, HR 3989, 109th Cong., 2nd sess., introduced in House October 06, 2005,

Additional information on the Carleton (Stanton) Airport collected in the Carleton Archives and through the National Register of Historic Places nomination of the airfield.
