I made this map by in an attempt to synergize William Least-Heat Moon’s style of narrative deep mapping alongside a digital humanities approach to using GIS software for the purpose of showing the unseen on the typical map. I made three trips to Cannon Falls, in each of which I spoke to local residents as well as surveyed the town and the surrounding area myself, both on foot and in a car. All of these trips were made alone, and the solitude and resultant sense of place and curiosity I felt reminded me of the merit’s of Least-Heat Moon’s style of mapping. My hope is that this webpage serves as an opportunity to look beyond the attached topographic map of Cannon Falls and allows the causal observer to learn about a deeper history and relevance of the area in general. I recommend you interact with this webpage by first viewing the story map I’ve created, and then go through the following tabs on the cite to view the various assortment of documents and resources I’ve referenced in order to paint an historical an interactive picture of my quadrangle.

From the Commonplace Book:
