
One Comment

  1. Team Zoomaps,

    I really enjoyed your presentation on your project in class, and I know that you have put a lot of work into gathering data, cleaning it with custom python scripts and a lot of elbow grease, and analyzing and visualizing the data in Palladio.

    The trouble is that your current website contains almost none of this information! The assignment asked that your final project “be presented with clear narrative introduction, bibliography and supporting documentation” in addition to your actual findings. Here are some concrete steps I’d like to see you take to finish off your project:

    1. Tell us your findings and argument. Right now you describe the project, but don’t show us your data, your results, or link to any interactive visualizations, which were all key components of the project. I know that Palladio does not let you live link to an interactive version, but here are the steps I suggest you take to share with us.

    • Include the screenshots of specific analyses you showed us in your presentation, and write up a brief description of your interpretations of the data.
    • Divide the information into separate pages for the different dimensions you explored, e.g. gender, home town, change over time, etc.
    • Include a link to download the Palladio project file, and instructions on how people can Load it and explore on their own. It would be great if you could do a quick screencast of the download and upload process, or just link to the Palladio documentation

    2. Expand your Methodology section to go into more detail on how you did it, again following the model of your presentation.

    • Add detailed information about and a link to your source data.
    • Describe the scripts you wrote and what they did in more detail.
    • Discuss the gender data from the SSA, which currently is not mentioned at all on your site.
    • Discuss how you geocoded the place names using Google Sheets
    • Finally, walk us through the Palladio process in terms of getting your data to play nice.

    You all did a tremendous amount of work and used a number of really interesting tools to do it, but right now your website does not convey that information very well at all. With these changes, your project will get the public presentation and recognition it deserves.

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