A Mini Gallery of Artists Born in 1860s

I used the Tate Gallery metadata to create a lifespan timeline of artists born in 1860s including their gender, places of birth and death, and, most importantly their artwork. To access my mini gallery, click here (click on the Timeline button for the gallery and About button for the information about

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LGBT History at Carleton for the Past Twenty-Five Years

Members: Alief Moulana, Saahithi Rao Topic and Objective: LGBTQ+ history at Carleton for the past twenty-five years. We want to gather all LGBTQ+ history-related information at Carleton into a single timeline that accumulates personal stories, newspapers articles, oral histories, and facts describing the progress of LGBTQ+ rights and life at Carleton. Methodology: We

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On 3D Modeling

For which research questions should we use 3D modeling? In a digital humanities project, ideally, we provide an accessible interface accessible to the users. That accessibility could sometimes be improved by 3D visualization, but sometimes it could not. For example, consider a project where we investigate a Javanese village civilization

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HTML/CSS Beginner Intro

I am new to both HTML and CSS. The beginner tutorials on HTML Dog helped me a lot to understand the basics of HTML and CSS, especially in such a short time. In this post, I will describe my experience learning HTML and CSS in under three hours. First, HTML.

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Robots Reading Vogue

Introduction I decided to explore Robots Reading Vogue, a project created by Lindsay King and Peter Leonard at Yale University Library. This project combines fashion and data mining to produce a website that visualizes various interesting data related to the Vogue magazine. Sub-projects include word usage analysis, theme self-organization, random memo generation, and

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First SketchUp Model (Alief)

Here I have some images from the SketchUp model of my childhood house. In this model, I encountered some challenges in creating the stairs on the front of the house. However, after several youtube tutorials, I succeeded in producing a relatively accurate representation of the stairs. This is actually a

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